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  • 1. What is 4BEBO?
    4BEBO stands for 4 Black Entrepreneurs & Business Owners. Our primary goal is to create a network that informs the public of Black Owned Businesses, assist with Business and Event promotions, a means to connect with other businesses, and a platform in which these businesses can collaborate, conceptualize, build, and broaden their presence in the global marketplace.
  • 2. How much does it cost to register my business in the 4BEBO App?
    Nothing. It is absolutely free. There is no charge to register your business nor to network within the businesses in this app.
  • 3. Is there any way my business can be removed once added?
    Yes. 4BEBO tries to uphold a professional code of ethics in displaying businesses registered with us. If it is discovered any business is shown to misrepresent, disrespect, dishonor, slander, profane or display themselves or any other businesses in a manner of ill repute that business will be immediately removed. Also, the 4BEBO app is designed to connect with businesses directly. For any reason the phone, email or weblink for your business is inactive, we will suspend your listing until those connections are valid again.
  • 4. What are the various entities of 4BEBO?
    4BEBO presents the Black Business directory through the 4BEBO app. The app is downloadable from Google Play or the APP Store. The information about 4BEBO and the business registered with us is found at Business Owners registered with us can communicate with each other through our closed group on Facebook @4BEBO Chat. We also have a Facebook page @4BEBO Group and an Instagram @4BEBOgroup. We upload and display videos and commercials from businesses registered with us on our YouTube channel @4BEBO. You can also email us at
  • 5. How can I submit my commercial/video to be considered for the featured businesses?
    You can upload your 30 seconds or less commercial/video to Each submission will be considered. If your submission lacks any pertinent information or content that would prohibit it from being considered, we will contact the sender and inform them how to rectify.
  • 6. What can I do to help 4BEBO to grow?
    Share! Tell your fellow business owners, customers, clients, friends, and family about this free tool that could be beneficial for them. You can also support by shopping our merchandise
  • 7. As a consumer how does the 4BEBO App benefit me?
    Although there are many Black Business Directories you can access, 4BEBO is the only one designed to be user friendly. Instead of requiring you to input information, 4BEBO was developed so you can find a Business that best fulfills your needs in just 2 clicks! It's free to access, professional, comprehensive and easy to navigate. 4BEBO makes eases the stress of locating and supporting Black Owned Businesses.
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